Latest Gossip WU

Adaa Narang Latest gossip, future story, Latest News spoiler and upcoming twist

Kala Tika twist: Kaali protects Gauri from the kidnappers

Kaali (Sargam Khurana) sees and kidnappers and follows them to save Gauri (Aada Narang)  The current episode starts with everybody enjoying at Neel's birthday party. Jethy calls the clowns to entertain the kids, ...

Kala Tika: Madhuri and JT to kill Kaali for getting rid of her

Vishwa (Bhupinder Singh) has been arrested by Police in Kala Tika The current episode starts with Kaali and Gauri having conversation. Kaali (Sargam Khurana) asks Gauri (Aada Narang) that her mother loves ...

Kala Tika: Cops came to arrest Vishwa, suspecting about Kaali

Kaali knows about her being an orphan in Kala Tika The track starts with Vishwa enquiring Prohit about well being of her family. Vishwa asks Prohit to give some solutions regarding the ...

Kala Tika: Government officials enquires about Kaali

Kaali punished ruthlessly by JT in Kala Tika The track starts with Madhuri suggesting Vishwa to punish Kaali for her mistake. She suggest him to burn her feet in order to punish ...