Latest Gossip WU

Ashi Singh Latest gossip, future story, Latest News spoiler and upcoming twist

Meet: Manmeet Plans Extramarital Blame Game Against Meet on Holi!!

Meet: Manmmeet on Holi Intoxicate Meet with BHANG  In serial Meet, Manmeet is ready to stoop down to any level to send back Meet from Sarkarpur at any cost.  When all plans ...

Meet: Shocking! Meet miscarries Hawa Singh celebrates

Meet: Shocking! Meet miscarries Hawa Singh celebrates Zee TV's popular hit show Meet is all set to keep it's audience hooked to their Television screens with it's high voltage drama. The ...

Meet: OH NO! Masoom plans Miscarriage gets exposed

Meet: OH NO! Masoom plans Miscarriage gets exposed Zee TV's popular hit show Meet is all set to keep it's audience hooked to their Television screens with it's high voltage drama. ...

Meet: Huge Twist! Aarav agrees for the Marriage Meet Ahlawat shocked

Meet: Huge Twist! Aarav agrees for the Marriage Meet Ahlawat shocked Zee TV's popular hit show Meet is all set to keep it's audience hooked to their Television screens with it's ...

Meet: Huge Twist! Meet Ahlawat's BADLA Deep and Isha reunite

Meet: Huge Twist! Meet Ahlawat's BADLA Deep and Isha reunite Zee TV's popular hit show Meet is all set to keep it's audience hooked to their Television screens with it's high ...

Meet: AWW! Meet Ahlawat gets Possessive refrains Meet

Meet: AWW! Meet Ahlawat gets Possessive refrains Meet Zee TV's popular hit show Meet is all set to keep it's audience hooked to their Television screens with it's high voltage drama. ...