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Gaurav S Bajaj Latest gossip, future story, Latest News spoiler and upcoming twist

Piya Rangrezz: Shraddha to hide her pregnancy from Sher Singh

Sher Singh (Gaurav S Bajaj) unaware about Shraddha (Kirtida Mistry) is pregnant in Piya Rangrezz The upcoming episode of Piya Rangrezz will show that Shraddha did not go back to Sher ...

Piya Rangrezz: Shraddha expose Bhanvri to Sher Singh

Sher Singh (Gaurav Bajaj) force Shraddha (Kirtida Mystry) to tell him truth Piya Rangrezz shows that Shraddha at last tell Sher about whatever Bhavri do with her and her family. Sher getting ...

Piya Rangrezz: Sher and Shraddha going to live together

Sher (Gaurav S Bajaj) and Shraddha (Kirtida Mystry) face to face in court in Piya Rangrezz Judge asks Shraddha reason behind her divorce. Shraddha getting scares and don’t speak any work. Judge says ...

Piya Rangrezz: Sher shocked to know Bhanwari Devi Aditya wedding

Bhanwari Devi to marry Aditya without Sher and Shraddha's knowledge in Piya Rangrezz In a major upcoming twist, Bhanvwari Devi (Narayani Shastri) will be seen getting married to much younger man ...

Piya Rangrezz: Bhanwari Devi to support Aditya over son Sher

Aditya and Sher to get in major fight in Piya Rangrezz on Life Ok Soon the Life Ok show Piya Rangrezz is going to bring out a major twist and turn ...

Piya Rangrezz:Shraddha to free Sher from Bhanwari Devi's clutches

Shraddha to make Sher realise his mistake in Piya Rangrezz Life Ok’s show Piya Rangrezz is reaching a very interesting turn with Sher (Gaurav S Bajaj) along with Shraddha (Kirtida Misrty) ...