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Published By: LGW Desk on November 05, 2017 01:29 AM (IST) | Publication:

Naamkaran: Vidhyut's escape from custody via Neil's master plan reaching Ragini Pandit

Naamkaran: Vidhyut (Karam Rajpal) runs away from Neil's (Zain Imam) custody, via Neil's master plan reaching Ragini Pandit


The upcoming episode of Star Plus popular daily soap Naamkaran is up for some drama and twist.

Neil and Avni has saved Mishti while Neil still has another mission to reach to Ragini Pandit.

Ragini Pandit is the mastermind of all and is using Vidhyut as puppet while Neil couldn't get whereabouts of Ragini Pandit.

Neil tries to get truth out of Vidhyut and thus investigates him but of no use as Vidhyut is not ready to say anything.

Neil's master plan trapping Ragini Pandit

Neil will thus make a master plan where he plans to make Vidhyut escape from custody and thus reach Ragini Pandit.

Neil knows that Vidhyut will runaway and will go to Ragini Pandit and thus he can catch Ragini and Vidhyut by his master plan.

While to make the reader aware Neil's this plan will flop, stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes only on

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