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Published By: LGW Desk on November 12, 2017 01:49 PM (IST) | Publication:

Naamkaran: Vidhyut abducts Avni blackmails Juhi over Mishti's identity truth

Naamkaran: Vidhyut (Karam Rajpal) blackmails Juhi over Mishti's fatherhood truth plans Avni's (Aditi Rathore) kidnapping


The upcoming episode of Star Plus popular daily soap Naamkaran is up for some interesting twist of tale.

Vidhyut finds that Juhi has lied to Avni and Neil about Mishti's fatherhood and is happy knowing that he has a point against Juhi.

Vidhyut now plans to take revenge from Neil and to save his mother Ragini Pandit from jail and this plans trap for Neil.

Vidhyut wants to kidnap Avni to blackmail Neil to free Ragini Pandit by doing anything, Avni is Neil's weakness this is well known to Vidhyut.

Vidhyut kidnapping plan for Avni

While Vidhyut had hand on Juhi's weakness that is her lie over Mishti's identity and thus blackmails Juhi to help him.

Juhi thus turns Vidhyut's puppet against Avni, Juhi on other hand is happy that Avni will exit Neil's life if Vidhyut kidnaps her then she has fair chance in Neil's life.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes only on

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