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Published By: LGW Desk on November 15, 2017 12:53 AM (IST) | Publication:

Naamkaran: Avni in Vidhyut's trap Neil Vidhyut's one on one fight

Naamkaran: Avni (Aditi Rathore) in Vidhyut's (Karam Rajpal) clutches Neil and Vidhyut's face off 


The upcoming episode of Star Plus popular daily soap Naamkaran is up for some interesting twist of tale.

Neil and Avni enjoys their diwali party and makes a happy family portrait with Mishti.

Everything was going on smoothly but Juhi will get kidnapped amid all this and will land in trouble.

Neil, Avni gets puzzled while up next will be major drama where Vidhyut asks Neil to hand over Avni to save Juhi.

Neil and Vidhyut's face off

Neil is outrageous while Avni will take a drastic decision and surrenders to Vidhyut saving Juhi.

This lands Neil in bigger trouble as he can't think of loosing Avni and knows Vidhyut's evil intentions towards Avni.

Neil and Vidhyut will have one on one fight with each other, stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes only on

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