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Published By: LGW Desk on May 03, 2018 09:44 AM (IST) | Publication:

Naamkaran Latest News Update 3rd May 2018

Naamkaran Latest News Update 3rd May 2018


Naamkaran is currently focussing on Neil and Avni's fight for Mogli's custody.

There Kamini is all set to indulge Mogli in human trafficking scandal and is trying her best to kidnap Mogli.

But she is yet not aware of Avni's beauty with brain truth.

Kamini adopts orphan kids from Avni's sukoon Orphanage while when Avni finds a high increasing rate in adoption, she decides to find out the truth.

Avni and Mitali trap Kamini

Avni will now take Mital's help where Avni and Mitali the duo will hunt for the real culprit who is trapping kids in human trafficking scandal.

Mitali and Avni will soon catch Kamini red hand while it would be highly intense to watch how this will affect Karan and Saisha marital life.

Stay tuned with us to catch all the latest updates, upcoming story, episodes and latest twists and turns.

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