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Published By: LGW Desk on May 10, 2018 08:28 AM (IST) | Publication:

Naamkaran: Neil upset over Avni's loss and his victory Mogli

Naamkaran: Neil (Zain Imam) upset over Avni's (Aditi Rathore) loss and his victory Mogli


Star Plus daily soap Naamkaran is showcasing interesting twist and turn with Neil and Avni’s custody battle for Mogli.

It was earlier seen that Avni breaks down when Neil’s lawyer points finger on Avni’s character.

Avni returns back strong headed where she reveals that she is not ashamed to be an illegitimate child but she has built her strong identity by making her name.

On the other hand, Avni asks the court to judge her capabilities of being a strong mother rather than judging her character.

Neil and Avni both happy and sad for each other

However, Neil leaves the decision to the court where Neil’s family too wants happiness for Neil but also respects Avni and does not speak ill against her.

Fortunately, the court favours Neil by granting the custody to Neil where Neil gets upset with Avni’s loss and Avni feels happy for Neil but at the same time worries for Mogli’s loss.

Stay tuned to see what in store for Neil and Avni ahead.

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