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Published By: LGW Desk on October 23, 2018 11:08 AM (IST) | Publication:

Muskaan Upcoming Twist: Raunak's grand love proposal for Muskaan

Muskaan: Raunak's (Ssharad Malhotra) grand love proposal for Muskaan (Yesha Rughani) turns flop show 


The upcoming episode of Star Bharat popular daily soap Muskaan is up for high voltage drama and twist.

Muskaan is trying to avoid Raunak as she has sensed Raunak's flirtatious avatar.

While Raunak is fully determined and is making plans to propose his love to Muskaan.

Raunak express his feelings and asks Muskaan to think about it, while Muskaan straight forward says no.

Raunak and Muskaan's love syappa

Muskaan refuses love and tells that she comes to college to study and not to spark love.

Muskaan's refusal sets Raunak sad but he decides to not give up on this so easily.

Will Muskaan and Raunak's this love seems to create new syappa ahead and what more drama is to unfold.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes only on

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