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Published By: LGW Desk on November 01, 2018 01:04 PM (IST) | Publication:

Kundali Bhagya: Karan Monisha's engagement brings Karan Preeta's big confession of love

Kundali Bhagya: Karan (Dheeraj Dhoopar) and Monisha's engagement brings Karan and Preeta's (Shraddha Arya) big confession of love 


The upcoming episode of Zee TV's popular daily soap Kundali Bhagya is up for high voltage drama.

Karan, Preeta and Srishti gets new opportunity to expose Sherlin's pregnancy truth infront of Rishabh and Luthra family.

Sherlin's accident turns opportunity but this is not it as now Karan and Monisha's engagement is planned.

Monisha and Ritwik are doubtful that Prithvi is playing games with them while Ritwik had a plan.

Karan and Preeta's confession of love

While amid all this Karan is getting frustrated as he had to get engaged to Monisha and all their plans to expose her are going in vain.

Karan bursts at Preeta and amid all this he confess his love to her and this brings as awkward moment amid them.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes only on

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