The coming up interesting track of Kumkum Bhagya will see major ups and downs in the storyline.
Ranbir and Prachi started to realize their love for each other.
Meanwhile, Prachi’s psycho lover Sanju made his entry to get Prachi and separate her from Ranbir.
Things take toll amid the Diwali celebration at Mehra house where Rhea traps Prachi and Sanju proving their affair.
Ranbir feels disgusting of Prachi unaware of Sanju and Rhea’s dirty plan.
However, the lie will not last for the long.
Ranbir will soon face a shocking reality check when he will find about Sanju’s psycho love for Prachi.
Let see if Ranbir could protect Prachi from the evil eyes of Sanju before it gets too late.
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