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Published By: LGW Desk on October 19, 2016 09:47 AM (IST) | Publication:

SNS: Gaura returns creating trouble for Kokila-Gopi

Saath Nibhana Saathiya: Kokila (Rupal Patel) and Gopi's older enemy Gaura (Vandana Pathak) returns back 


The upcoming episode of Saath Nibhana Saathiya will show high voltage drama where older enemies returns in Kokila's life.

Mansi, Krishna and Pramila has exited from Gopi's life and older enemies are back to create trouble for Kokila and Gopi.

Kokila is already going through much trouble because of Parag's second wife Urmila.

Urmila is now asking for her right in Modi family and Kokila is ready to give away all after Jaggi has helped them.

Kokila in dual trouble 

Kokila even asks Urmila to break her karvachauth fast before her by making Parag to do l the rituals.

This is not the end of troubles for Kokila as Gaura is coming back in track to bring more troubles for Kokila.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes.

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