The upcoming twist of Star Bharat’s show Woh Toh Hai Albela will show Kanha standing up for Sayuri once again in front of Saroj as Saroj does not leave a chance to humiliate Sayuri.
In the upcoming episodes of the show, viewers will get to see a cute sequence where Kanha and Nakul will tease Sayuri an pull her leg calling her a teacher.
Sayuri will get annoyed and will start beating them with a plant stem.
Nakul and Kanha will run around the room while Sayuri will chase them and it will be a fun moment for them.
However, Saroj will land there and will be furious with Sayuri for beating her sons.
Saroj will warn Sayuri to never raise her hands or her eyes towards her sons.
Kanha as well as Nakul will defend Sayuri against Saroj and will stand by her.
Sayuri once again becomes quiet in front of Saroj but Kanha and Nakul support her.
Will Kanha’s support turn into love?
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