The upcoming twist of Star Bharat’s show Woh Toh Hai Albela will show Kanha and Sayuri having cute moments together as Sayuri is given a big challenge by her mother-in-law Saroj.
Sayuri has ben facing lots of challenging moments ever since she has got married to Kanha but Kanha helps her out at every step.
Viewers will now get to see that Sayuri has to make 1000 pedas as well as kheer and she gets to the task in the kitchen.
Kanha lands up there and starts helping her and Sayuri asks him not to help her as his arm is still not better.
However, Kanha has removed his arm cast and is better now and happily helps Sayuri to make the pedas.
Sayuri and Kanha share some cute nok-jhok moments as the make the pedas together and their friendship is slowly seen evolving into love.
Will Kanha and Sayuri indeed fall in love?
Stay tuned to for more updates and news on Woh Toh Hai Albela.
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