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Published By: LGW Desk on November 25, 2015 09:32 PM (IST) | Publication:

MAM: Shanti broke her all relations with Sarla

Sarla's (Ananya Khare) fake drama reveled in Mere Angne Mein


The current episode shows that Riya (Ekta Kaul) tells everybody that Sarla is not ill.

Everybody got shocked on hearing about Sarla's illness drama.

Sarla tries to convince everybody that Riya doesn't want to give money and has presented fake reports.

Knowing about Sarla's drama Raghav (Varun Badola) got heart broken

Riya also tells everybody that Sarla also knew about her love for Shivam and thus forced her into marrying Amit.

Shivam asks Riya to be quite and don't create scenes.

Raghav asks Riya to tell everything and he wanted this Ramleela to end.

They scolded Sarla for her drama and broke her every relations with Sarla.

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