The upcoming twist of Star Bharat’s show Woh Toh Hai Albela will show a major showdown taking place as Kanha will get insulted by his mother but Sayuri will stand up for him.
Saroj blames Kanha for the death of Chiru and insults him.
Sayuri has been tolerating Saroj’s harassment for so long but she will not be able to bear seeing her insulting Kanha.
Sayuri will ask Saroj to stop blaming Kanha.
Saroj will be shocked to hear Sayuri raising her voice against her.
Moreover, Saroj will get even more bitter as she will tell Kanha that he too died for her the day Chiru died.
Saroj makes it clear to Kanha that if she dies, he cannot put fire on her pyre as she no longer considers him to be her son.
Saroj’s harsh words will make Kanha very s Toh Hai Albelaad but Sayuri will stand by like a pillar of support.
Will Sayuri be able to change Saroj’s opinion about Kanha?
Stay tuned to for more updates and news on Woh Toh Hai Albela.
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