Star Bharat's recently launched show is worth watching and it has a good Storyline. The show has gripping characters. The show stars Karan Wahi the TV's Hottie and Niyati Fatani in lead roles.
The Upcoming Track of the show is gearing up for high voltage drama.
Recently We have seen that Aditya defeats his Father Amber in the Tractor Race and is hailed. Aditya wants to break his Father's Pride.
However Aditya is not happy with the Family trying to forget his Mother and gets furious.
He remember about the Promise he has made to his Mother and searches for a Land but he likes Ginni's Daaba Land which is the ultimate source of Income for them.
Well the First Meeting of Aditya and Ginni is not pleasant and they both gets into an argument with each other.
The Story takes an interesting turn when Aditya keeps forward an offer to buy the Daaba but Ginni rejects it.
Aditya is determined to get the Land no matter what and decides to throw troubles on her way in order to get it.
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