The Star Bharat show Channa Mereya in the upcoming episodes will show a drastic change in the plot as Aditya will turn Ginni's protector.
Until now the show used to witness a tashan amid Aditya and Ginni.
All of a sudden the tashan will lead into sweet romantic steps taken by Aditya towards Ginni.
The show states that Goldie and Armaan are all set to ditch Ginni by making her sell off the dhaba by signing the papers.
Ginni amid all these will also bang on a new wedding catering contract with the help of Armaan.
In the future episodes it will be noticed that although Aditya was well aware about Armaan's intentions, Aditya than too gives up in front of Ginni's happiness.
Aditya and Ginni also share off a romantic moment in the market place which makes Aditya all the more pulled towards Ginni.
Will Aditya be able to lay low his dream of snatching the dhaba from Ginni for Ginni's happiness?
Let's see if Aditya will really sacrifice his wish of gaining the dhaba for mere Ginni's happiness.
Stay tuned to Channa Mereya for further interesting gossip updates.
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