Star Bharat Channel's one of the interesting serial 'Ajooni', where various suspenseful events are happening now in Rajveer and Ajooni's lives.
Ajooni took the test long before marriage, the result of which is today. Ajooni is very worried since morning.
Ajooni sister in law also got their results today. For the past five years she has failed the examination.
She could not pass his father's college because he did not study. Ravindra and Bibige are very worried.
Aman keeps reassuring Ajooni, thinking that Ajooni's results will be good.
Rajveer and his companions are dancing. But what happened everyone started thinking.
Before that, Ajooni's Nanad returned home with the result. Her father and grandmother were disappointed after hearing her results.
She could not pass this year like previous years. Unable to pass, she started making various comments about the college.
Ravindra gets very angry at this incident, and starts shouting.
Ravindra wanted his daughter's results to be better than Ajooni's. But let's see what the result of Ajooni is going to be.
To know the latest result, keep watching the current Ajooni serial.
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