Star Bharat's new show Ajooni will bring more twist and turns Rajveer and Ajooni's life after Ajooni's success.
On entering the house, Rajveer very happily informs Rabindra and Grandma that his wife has passed the exam.
Not only did he pass, he became the first in the entire district. He got many numbers.
Hearing this Ravindra and Grandmother got very angry, but did not express it in front of Rajveer.
Rajveer arrogantly said that no one else is educated in this house like his wife.
Rajveer comes to Ajooni happily. Rajveer goes to feed Ajooni sweets as soon as he comes to Ajooni.
But Ajooni removed Rajveer's hand. Aman is also present in the kitchen.
Rajveer happily gives great happy news to Aman and Ajooni. Rajveer informs Ajooni about his passing.
It also informs that Ajooni is the first in the district. Ajooni happily picks up a sweet from the packet.
Rajveer starts thinking that Ajooni will feed him. But Ajooni went towards Aman.
But to some extent, Ajooni is happy with Rajveer. However, seeing this Ajooni's Nanad Dolly became very angry.
If you want to see what Ajooni Nanad is going to do, you must keep an eye on Ajooni Dharavada.
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