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Published By: LGW Desk on November 30, 2015 10:44 PM (IST) | Publication:

MAM: Sarla to make fool Sujeev and gets out his money

Shanti (Krutika Desai Khan) tries to instigate Kaushalaya against Riya in Mere Angne Mein


The current track starts with Shivam and Riya (Ekta Kaul) arguing with each other.

Riya tries to makeup with Shivam and asks for his support.

Kaushalaya sent tiffin for Sarla and sent Nimmi and Preeti to go to Sarla.

Shanti plans to throw Riya out

Sarla becomes happy to hear that Shanti had sent tiffin for her.

But Nimmi and Preeti informs her that Kaushalaya had sent it for her and not Shanti.

Shanti asks Riya to inform and talk to Shivam about the new guy who is coming to stay with them.

Shanti tries to instigate Kaushalaya against Riya and plans to throw her out.

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