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Published By: LGW Desk on February 04, 2023 06:59 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Bilateral Damage! Ankush address Maya as BAZARU Aurat shocking twist ahead

Anupama: Maya addressed as Bazaru Aurat by Ankush


Star Plus show Anupama is currently revolving around Ankush getting to know Maya’s secret.

It seems that Ankush will be boiling in anger as he will come to know that Maya is actually a call girl and dances in high profile parties to get money.

Shockingly Ankush will lose his cool and calls Maya as a Bazaru aurat.

This is going to be the biggest turning point of the show as Anuj and Anupama were not aware of this truth.

Ankush will be seen pointing fingers on Maya’s character and will reveal that Maya is characterless hence she has no idea about Choti Anu’s father.

Matters will soon get out of control and Maya will slap Ankush in anger.

Maya justify past

Will Maya be able to justify her pass or not?

Will Anuj and Anupama be able to accept Maya with her past or not?

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