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Published By: LGW Desk on February 06, 2023 06:51 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Baa CURSE Backfires! Shah Family lose eldest son forever

Anupama: Shah Family lose eldest son forever


Star Plus show Anupama is currently revolving around Vanraj losing his cool on Paritosh.

It seems that Paritosh will mortgage Babuji’s property without anyone’s knowledge.

This will leave everyone around him shocked as they didn’t imagine in their wildest dream that Paritosh can do such foolishness

Vanraj will not be able to tolerate this nonsense and will plan to kick Paritosh out.

Baa will be seen lamenting over the condition of her house as no one is happy and in peace.

Amid all this drama Paritosh will breathe his last on roadside and this will leave Shah Family in a state of shock.

This is going to be the biggest turning point of the show as no one will be able to accept this fact.

Baa and Vanraj will be worst affected and once again blame their stars for this incident.

Shah family in grief

Anupamaa on the other hand will also be in grief as she lost her eldest son.

Will Shah Family be able to recover from this situation or not?

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