Zeetv Serial kumkum Bhagya Is geared to present new twists and turns related with Pranbir UNIOUN.
As we Know Kushi got kidnapped recently and Both Ranbir and Prachi are trying to locate her.
Prachi is using all source to bring out Kushi location but the goons misunderstood to be a member of gang she has hired to bring out location of Kushi.
Prachi is trapped into ropes as the goons are not ready to listen to her innocent claims.
Ranbir is also about to reach the same spot where the hooligans will trap and will keep to kill Prachi.
Hunt of Kushi whereabouts will be resumed by the Powerful JODI of Ranbir and Prachi.
Prachi and Ranbir will be seen trying to merge their ways in order to find out Kushi sooner.
Will Kushi survive or Prachi and Ranbir will again become childless?
Stay in touch with Latest Gossips WU for getting Latest Gossips, Spoilers, and updated twists and turns of serial Kumkum Bhagya.
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