Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on December 02, 2015 07:14 PM (IST) | Publication:

MAM: Riya came to know about Preeti and Mohit's affair

Shanti plans to throw Riya (Ekta Kaul) out of house by trapping her in conspiracy


The current episode starts with Pari and Sujeev came to meet Sarla.

Sarla pretends to show that they are very poor.

Sujeev give away his gold chain to Sarla and got friendly with Amit.

Sharmili got angry and comes to pick up Pari.

Preeti had an accident and Mohit brought her home, everybody got shocked to see them.

Shanti pretends to be ill 

Riya asks Raghav to send his friend's son to a rented house, while Raghav rejects and says that he will stay here.

Shanti (Krutika Desai Khan) pretends to be ill and doctor comes to see her, doctor recomends some medicines.

Shanti asks Riya to take care of her medicine schedule.

Shanti plans to throw Riya out of Shivam's life in 30 days.

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