Serial Titli from Star Plus produced under Story Square Production is under an overwhelming story arc right now amidst light of Garv and Titli marriage.
Right now we can see a glimpse of the Over-Possessive and strange side of Garv identity where he is in deep love with Titli and can be seen doing some unusual stuff to impress her before the wedding but the past has knocked his doors.
Ishani who is Garv's ex-girlfriend has entered his life again only to alert and inform Title about the rather secretive anxious and manic side of Garv he shows when angry.
Ishani Approached Title for a small talk but Garv at the same moment reached her house and caught Ishani there.
Let's see how much time will he be able to fake this caring boyfriend side of him.
When Title points attention to the Prosthetic hand of Ishani after she left Garv showed no knowledge about the same but in the follow up promo we learnt that Garv is the one who is behind his tragedy with Ishani.
Ishani and Garv are shown calshing again at the site where Garv is planning a date with Titli.
Let's see whether Garv and Title will get married or not.
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Titli: Garv Manipulation works wonders In the recent ...
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