The Drama Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyar Mein is soon going to witness highly intensified Drama and the show is gearing up for many interesting twists and turns.
Recently We have seen that Samrud's Father tells Bhavani that Savi is really Disgusting and she has no character of her own to which Savi gets Furious.
However he tells them that Savi is not what thay want in their Daughter In Law and tells them that they don't want to go Ahead with it.
The Story takes an Interesting turn when Samrud tells them that Savi is Characterless to which Savi Argues with them for talking against her and her Family.
Samrud tells his Father that he Likes Savi and he wants to get Married to her to which Samrud's Father Denies.
In The Upcoming Episodes We Will Get To See that Savi Complaints against Chavans in the Police for forcing her into The Wedding while Bhavani feels Disgusted.
What will Happen Next?
The Drama is going to intensify and We don't want you to Miss it.
Let's see what happens in the Upcoming Track.
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