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Published By: LGW Desk on July 13, 2023 07:49 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Spoiler Alert!! Anuj's World turns Upside Down as Malti Devi turns out to be his Biological Mother

Malti Devi (Apara Mehta) Reveals Her True Identity, turns out she is Anuj's (Gaurav Khanna) Biological Mother


Star Plus Anupama has been a chartbuster show that has never failed to amaze its viewers with its storyline.

In the upcoming episodes we will get a shocking revealation about Anuj's past as Anupama cancels her US journey and comes back to Anu.

Malti Devi will drag Anupama to the court, suing her for creating a huge loss for Malti Devi's dance academy and not following her contracts.

As court orders investigation of the case Anuj and Anupama also decides to make their side stronger by getting some information.

Anuj gets shocked as the investigation proceeds, as he realises Malti Devi is his biological mother.

Anuj gets a Flashback of his Childhood, Starts to Remember what happened

As the truth comes out that Anuj is the biological son of Malti Devi whom Malti Devi left in orphanage, things get really tough.

Anuj remembers how he used to keep crying in the orphanage hoping to have a family some day.

Anuj fumes with anger to know that he had a mother all this time and she abandoned him for her career and kept him in an orphanage centre.

In the upcoming episode we will see Anuj facing Malti Devi and demanding a true explanation on what happened in his childhood.

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