Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on September 27, 2023 12:32 PM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Evil Eyes on Samar How will Anupama handle Happiness with grief??

Anupama: Anupama receives the good news for Samar as grief is coming around


The entertainment of Anupama has given goosebumps to the die heart fans of Star Plus channel.

The Story is buzzing with many ups and downs as Dimple and Samar have unfolded a surprise.

As of now, Ganesh Chaturthi has gathered the Shahs around Kapadia house.

Soon, Dimple stops everyone to say something urgent.

This makes Anupama and Samar impatient while they find of Dimple is pregnant.

Upcoming, Samar is on cloud nine where he gets signs of the upcoming danger.

It seems Samar and Anupama are bonding like the old days again as Samar wants Anupama to take care of Dimple.

As Anupama arrives back at Shah house for Samar and Dimple, with happiness.

Following up, Samar jumps from the steps where he falls on a nail and starts bleeding.

Samar leaves Dimple and unborn child alone

It seems Samar is getting some indication where Anupama has another responsibility of Dimple.

Will Samar die leaving Dimple and his unborn child alone in the world??

How will Anupama handle the situation as Dimple is pregnant and Samar leaves everyone in grief??

Stay tuned and just be active on latestgossipwu for more updates on your favourite serial Anupama.

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