Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on September 28, 2023 08:57 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Suspense builds strong Anuj Anupama face storm of Samar’s death

Anupama: Anuj and Anupama stand with guilt and blame of Samar’s cold death


The Star Plus story Anupama has left the viewers speechless as Samar’s death track is coming around in the upcoming episodes.

As of the recent buzzes and noises everyone in the Shah family is on cloud nine as Dimple has announced her pregnancy.

Soon after, Anupama and Anuj join the Shah family and they celebrate the occasion of good news.

With this, Samar is excited to become a father where he takes Anuj and Vanraj to party with him.

As it turns out the happiness is short lived as Samar comes in stretcher and Anupama hears Samar is dead.

Following this, Anupama has bigger storm heading towards her as Vanraj announces that Anuj is the reason behind Samar’s death.

Anuj and Anupama unwrap reality of Samar's death

This has shocked Anupama as she believes Anuj can never kill her children.

What is the real reason behind Samar’s death as Anuj and Anupama are wrapped around the round of questions??

Will Anupama and Anuj be able to find out the reality that killed Samar showing Anuj is innocent in the matter??

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