Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on September 28, 2023 09:05 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Dimple conveys the message not Anuj but own family betrayed Samar

Anupama: Anuj is hold guilty of Samar’s death Dimple adds another member


The story of Anupama is nothing less than houseful entertainment and the true lovers of the show can’t miss any episodes in the upcoming days.

The show has introduced a huge twist as Samar is going to die.

Till the current dates, Dimple has declared that she is pregnant and Samar is ready to become father.

This time, Dimple has forgotten the past as she accepts the Shah family as her own.

Thereof Anuj and Anupama have joined the happiness bundle where another smash is coming for Anupama.

As it turns out Anuj is hold guilty to have killed Samar where Anupama stands by Anuj.

Dimple brings hatred for Anupama

This frustrates Dimple as she brings all her hatred for Anupama back as she defends Anuj.

It seems Dimple sees Anupama as the equal reason that killed Samar as she adds Anupama can’t see her happy.

This is going to bring the rift between the Shah family and the Kapadia family that will be highly awaited to see in the upcoming episodes.

Stay tuned and keep high hopes as LatestgossipsWU will showcase everything from sets of Anupama.

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