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Published By: LGW Desk on October 06, 2023 09:03 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Battle of Justice Vanraj performs actions to regret for rest of time

Anupama: Vanraj is out of control to punish the troop of Sonu for Samar’s death


Star Plus most beloved and watched Serial Anupama is reaching the heights of success for its stellar drama that is continuing in the show.

As of the recent episodes the story is showing Samar’s death at the reason of sorrows for the Shahs.

Thereof Vanraj and Anuj are seen at the hospital where they complete the formalities to donate Samar’s organs.

Soon, the police arrives with some news on the criminals who have killed Samar.

As Vanraj hears Sonu belongs to a rich family and he keeps police in his pockets for his power.

This makes Vanraj lose his calm as he wants to punish Sonu and his entire gang for losing his son Samar.

Vanraj to punish Sonu

Soon, Vanraj promises that he will punish Sonu and he is ready to go jail for this act.

Will Vanraj do something that will make his family regret his decision for the rest of time??

How will Anupama handle Vanraj as he wants to make Sonu pay the price for losing his young son Samar??

Stay tuned and keep watching latest gossips WU for more updates on Anupama.

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