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Published By: LGW Desk on October 08, 2023 09:52 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Storms and Rumbles Anupama sets boundaries for Anuj next

Anupama: Anupama and Anuj’s married life in danger following death blame


Star Plus serial Anupama has ranked on top of TRP charts and the mysteries continues to win the hearts of viewers.

The entertainment seekers are now in grief seeing that Anupama has lost her most beloved son Samar to the hands of death.

There of Samar has come home to meet his family members for the last time.

It looks Dimple and Anupama are shattered whereas Anuj stands with the family at the time of trouble.

Following this, Vanraj recalls the entire scene that happened before Samar’s death.

Soon Vanraj mentions that Anuj is responsible for the death of Samar as he started the rift with Sonu and his gang.

This leaves Anupama without words as she can’t trust Vanraj neither she has avoid that her son is no more.

Anuj and Anupama's broken relation

With this Anupama leaves the place and Anuj follows her while Anupama doesn’t talk to Anuj.

It seems now Anupama has set the boundaries that will bring Separation for Anupama and Anuj.

It would be highly interesting to see what the story unfolds for Anupama next.

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