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Published By: LGW Desk on October 10, 2023 08:39 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: 10th Oct Vanraj expresses words of heart accepts Kavya’s baby heartfully

Anupama: Vanraj understands the circumstances to accept Kavya and her unborn baby


The wired hearts of millions of fans are always curious on what’s coming next in Star Plus channel’s most beloved show Anupama.

The story is now revolving around trauma and grief as the Shahs have lost their youngest child Samar.

Following the same Anupama is handling Dimple as she pregnant and Samar wants the best for Dimple as he is gone.

At the same time, Vanraj manages his Baa and Bapuji along with Pakhi and Paritosh.

There Vanraj feels guilt of not sharing much words of heart to Samar while he loved him a lot.

This brings Kavya to understand the feelings of Vanraj as she mentions her story of losing people.

Vanraj Kavya connect over baby

It seems Vanraj is getting courage as he sees Kavya by his side when he needs someone.

This makes Vanraj to express love for Kavya and her baby as he understands time changes everything.

It looks as Vanraj is ready to commit to Kavya and her baby wholeheartedly as he doesn’t want to lose the baby again.

Stay tuned and let’s see how things change for Vanraj and Kavya in Anupama with latest gossips WU.

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