Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on October 17, 2023 09:31 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: 17th Oct Suresh plays the victim card Vanraj Anupama has poked needles

Anupama: Suresh makes the loop for Anupama and Vanraj to fail in their justice case


The Story of Anupama is loaded with highs and lows and the Star Plus audience sticking to the screens.

As of the story is taking a new journey following Samar’s tragic death in a gun shot by Sonu.

Now Sonu and Suresh are fighting the battle to bring Sonu back home and dismiss the case.

Thereof, Anupama and Vanraj stand together to make Sonu regret his actions for the murder.

Somehow, Suresh wants to save his son as he takes wrong roads for the court case.

Now, Vanraj has lost his mind as he faces Post traumatic disorder missing Samar.

Thereof Suresh makes the plot to play the victim card and show that Sonu is innocent.

Suresh records everything

For this Suresh tries to provoke Vanraj and he gets angry and starts attacking Suresh for his words.

With this, Suresh has recorded everything to poke needles on Anupama and Vanraj’s journey.

It would be highly in demand to see how Anupama and Vanraj get justice in their battle.

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama in high volume for more updates with latest gossips WU.

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