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Published By: LGW Desk on October 17, 2023 10:17 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: OMG! Kinjal-Toshu plans to shift abroad, Vanraj gets intimidated by Rathore

Anupama: OMG! Kinjal-Toshu plans to shift abroad, Vanraj gets intimidated by Rathore 


In the recent episodes of Anupama we have seen high time drama going on in Shah House and Kapadia House with new and shocking twists taking place.

In the previous episodes we have seen that how the lives of the members of Shah family has turned upside down after the sudden death of Samar.

Although Anupama is trying her best to collect the shattered pieces of her life and move on along with her family but her kids have left her alone.

Toshu and Pakhi has already refused to support Anupama in her fight to get justice for Samar.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Toshu and Kinjal are planning to not only move out of Shah House but also of country to start new life there.

It will be interesting to see what will be the reaction of Shah Family on Kinjal’s decision?

Vanraj gets intimidated by Rathore

In the previous episodes we have seen that when Vanraj and Anupama were left alone in their fight only Anuj came forward to support them.

Rathore knows that he cannot win the case against Anupama and Vanraj so easily hence he has decided to use his cheap tactics to pin them down.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Rathore will try to instigate Vanraj against Anuj to make them do something wrong.

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