Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on October 29, 2023 11:38 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Pakhi Malti Devi sprinkle troubles for Anupama as Dimple rephrases her life

Anupama: Dimple Anupama surprise entry makes Pakhi fume in rage Malti Devi in action


In the upcoming episodes of the Star Plus serial Anupama the fans can’t control their craze and fun.

As the story has started to reflect Anupama and Dimple’s team working to keep Samar’s memory.

There Dimple is now seen staying with Anuj and Anupama where she keeps sinking in grief.

As Anupama comes to see Dimple trying her best, she wants Dimple to live for the baby and Samar.

Hearing this Dimple is seen recolouring her life where Pakhi is jealous as she sticks to be a mother.

This brings Malti Devi to take advantage as she wants to become the first priority in Anuj’s life.

Looking at Pakhi, Malti Devi makes her plan ready to eliminate Anupama out of Kapadia house.

Dimple and Anupama work in teams

It seems Dimple and Anupama’s teaming will change the entertainment for Pakhi and Malti Devi.

Will Anupama and Dimple dive in troubles as Malti Devi makes the roadmap to trouble Anupama?

How will Anupama keep the house and Anuj close to her with Malti Devi’s evil plans and ideas?

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips WU for more updates.

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