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Published By: LGW Desk on November 05, 2023 09:11 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Mission Accomplished for Kinjal Paritosh in UK Baa broken into thousand pieces

Anupama: Kinjal Paritosh are on doormat saying goodbyes for the Shahs as Baa burst out


The Star Plus fan club are always right on time with craze for the upcoming episodes of Anupama.

In the recent twists and turns, the story is revolving around Shahs shattering down after Samar left.

Following this Kinjal and Paritosh have made their decision to leave the Shah house for UK dreams.

Thereof Baa and Bapuji are heart- broken as their family is clashing with the children leaving.

Soon, Kinjal comes to inform about their upcoming journey where Baa wants to stop the couple.

Somehow, Kinjal and Paritosh mention that they have nothing left to do with the Shah family.

This breaks down Baa as she bursts into tears and Kinjal leaves along with Paritosh and Pari.

Kinjal and Paritosh look for happiness in UK

Will Kinjal and Paritosh find happiness by leaving the family and making plans for future in UK??

Let’s wait and watch the table turning entertainment in Anupama that has gathered many talented actors like Rupali Ganguli, Sudhanshu Pandey, Gaurav Khanna and Madalsa Sharma in lead roles.

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips Wu for all the gossips on TV.

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