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Published By: LGW Desk on November 09, 2023 09:31 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Dhanteras and Diwali blasts Malti Devi’s house politics and little secrets from past

Anupama: Malti Devi enters the celebrations for Diwali and Dhanteras brings real plot and plan


In the upcoming episodes of Anupama, the fans can really expect much more intense entertainment.

As of the recent stories Malti Devi has arrived back into Kapadia house to win over her son Anuj.

There Malti Devi sees Anupama has everything and Anuj is blindfolded by Anupama’s every act.

This brings her into Conflict with Anupama as she makes her plans to make Anuj on her side.

Soon, as the Diwali celebrations are approaching Anuj and Anupama are seen together with plans.

There Malti Devi wants to get involved in the party ideas where she can order what to do next.

Anuj and Anupama see house politics 

Somehow, seeing Anuj and Anupama’s work together Malti Devi wants this Diwali to be her own.

It seems Malti Devi is ready to do some more house politics where she can take down Anupama.

Will this Diwali Malti Devi’s real face of selfishness and breaking the motherhood pact of Anupama come to front for Anuj??

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips WU for all the latest episode updates.

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