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Published By: LGW Desk on November 23, 2023 06:57 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Baa Malti Devi stand on loggerheads being Anuj’s mother Anupama feels an alert

Anupama: Anupama feels the challenges after Baa and Malti Devi stick for impressing Anuj


The latest episodes of Anupama has so much heat and drama ongoing that the fans can’t miss up on.

As of the recent episodes Baa and Bapuji has shifted to Kapadia mansion for few days being sick.

There Baa enters the kitchen where she cooks for Anuj and Malti Devi eats chillies hearing this.

Soon, Malti Devi challenges Baa to make Halwa and to see which one will Anuj prefer as both cook.

Following the Anuj start tasting and he declares both as winners where Baa comments for Malti Devi.

This brings the two mother figures on loggerheads as Malti Devi has not the habit of losing anytime.

Seeing that Baa is now respecting her she wants to show Baa her position in Kapadia house.

Anupama sees Malti Devi planning

It seems Malti Devi is ready with her plan while Anupama smells something worth alert is going to happen.

What will Malti Devi do next to make Baa and Bapuji regret their choice of arriving at Kapadia house??

Will Anupama stand for Baa and Bapuji or accept her defeat to Malti Devi??

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with lates gossips Wu more updates.

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