Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on November 24, 2023 08:02 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Dimple unravels the soft corner of heart to welcome Titu with the new beginning

Anupama: Dimple and Titu start their story with friendship being the key and love starting


The Star Plus serial Anupama has many surprises and shocks locked for the entertainment seekers.

As of the recent episodes the story is marking many twists and turns where Dimple meets Titu.

Titu is just like Dimple with the same passion for dance while Dimple sees Titu as other people.

After losing Samar now Dimple is struggling to survive for her unborn child while Titu helps her.

As it turns out Dimple and Titu’s work relation gets miscommunicated as their video gets viral.

This brings anger for Dimple and she scolds Titu and he leaves without any word to glorify him

After that Anupama shows Dimple is wrong for making Titu look bad over the matter of video.

Dimple calls Titu back 

As Titu has left without any word he won’t return to the dance academy as it seems.

Then Dimple will start applauding him with a soft corner in her heart to bring Titu back to academy.

It would be highly interesting to see what happens next in the upcoming episodes.

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips WU for more updates.

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