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Published By: LGW Desk on November 26, 2023 07:40 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Christmas New Year and Luncheon in America Anupama receives the call for dreams

Anupama: Anupama on stepping dreams ladder for Christmas and New Year celebration in US


In the upcoming episodes of Anupama the loyal fans can see the dreams coming true for Anupama.

After long wait now the time has come where Anupama gets the call from America along with family.

Previously on the serial, Anupama got two chances to fulfil her dreams in America while she chose her family and children above all.

Now as Anupama gets the hints to live her dreams then Anuj has something important to talk.

As of now Anuj takes Anupama for ice cream date where he wants to plan a trip for Anupama.

Meanwhile he adds that Anupama and Anu have never been out to other country and US will do it.

Anupama loses her family with America settlement 

Following this it seems now Anupama will start her days and nights in America where losing family.

What will happen that will make Anupama find her own path in America and Anuj is nowhere??

Will Anupama and Anuj’s relation end after which Anupama leaves on America foe rest of life her life without Anuj and Choti??

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips WU for more updates.

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