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Published By: LGW Desk on February 04, 2024 09:48 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Unshaken Twists and Turns!! Vanraj PROVOKED Kavya’s roar for Dimple’s future

Anupama: Vanraj highlights highroads for Kavya to stop provoking Dimple’s freedom in life


The Star Plus serial Anupama is at the verge to introduce unlimited drama that the audience will applaud and embrace all the time.

As of the recent episodes, it seems Kavya has started working after years of living under Vanraj’s rule.

Thereof Bapuji asks Kavya for job where they arrive at the conclusion that Dimple should start to live her life as she used to before.

After losing Samar and Ansh coming into Dimple’s life, she has stopped living for herself.

Now, Dimple has turned housewife relishing live for the Shah house.

There Titu has burned the fire of freedom in Dimple where Kavya gives push to that Idea.

Vanraj won't let Anupama's story to repeat 

Seeing this Vanraj gets furious as he won’t let Dimple turn another Anupama fighting for self- respect and start working.

There Vanraj wants to show Kavya to stop taking highroads for Dimple’s life rather focus of her life.

Will Dimple find her passion and way to freedom in spite of thinking about Vanraj??

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips WU for more updates.

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