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Published By: LGW Desk on March 06, 2024 08:42 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Romanticism in Gossips!! Vanraj camaraderie love triangle of Yashdeep Anuj Anupama

Anupama: Vanraj sees through the feelings of Anuj gushing over Anupama as Yashdeep enters


In the upcoming episodes of Anupama, the True and loyal fans of Star Plus will see endless drama.

With the ongoing episodes it seems Vanraj has come to complicate life for Anupama who is finding her share of sky in America now.

After five years Anupama has met Anuj and Vanraj has come chasing.

Thereof Anupama has found Yashdeep as her friend where he has started his poking game already.

Following this now Anupama and Yashdeep are super busy with their stall at Anuj’s fair.

There Vanraj has met Yashdeep and he has understood how he has likings for Anupama.

At the same time Anuj can never forget Anupama and he always ends up waiting for her.

Vanraj in middle of Anuj Anupama Yashdeep

With this Anuj gets desperate as he wants to see Anupama where Vanraj comes in between.

As it seems Vanraj wants to capture the love triangle of Anuj Anupama and Yashdeep.

How will Anupama handle the situation as Anuj still waits for Anupama and Yashdeep has started to like her where Vanraj has come along??

Stay tuned and watch Anupama along with latest gossips WU for more updates.

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