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Published By: LGW Desk on March 06, 2024 10:43 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Upcoming Twist! Adhik to defame Pakhi’s character as a token of revenge

Anupama: Upcoming Twist! Adhik to defame Pakhi’s character as a token of revenge


In the recent episodes of Anupama, we are witnessing that Anupama and Anuj’s have finally met for the first time in America after a huge gap of five years.

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Adhik has dragged Pakhi in the court to get the legal custody of Ishaani.

Vanraj has tried for an out of court settlement with Adhik but Adhik has clearly refused to sort the things with Pakhi.

Tittu and Dimpy has informed Adhik about Pakhi’s new plan against him and now Adhik is furious to know that Pakhi has scooped so low.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Adhik has some evidences against Pakhi but was not willing to malign her image but now he is ready to defame her.

It will be interesting to see what evidences Adhik have against Pakhi?

Babuji warns Pakhi

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Pakhi has been troubling Shahs with her stubbornness.

Kavya and Dimpy have tried to explain Pakhi that she should leave behind her ego and think about Ishaani’s future.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Babuji will not like Pakhi’s attitude towards Dimpy and will give her last warning.

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