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Published By: LGW Desk on March 29, 2024 12:24 PM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Latest Spoiler! Anupama to save Spice N Chutney, participates in Chef Competition

Anupama: Latest Spoiler! Anupama to save Spice N Chutney, participates in Chef Competition


In the recent episodes of Anupama, we are witnessing that Anupama and Anuj’s life has changed drastically changed after they met in America after a huge gap of five years.

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Anupama was trying to give her best in both of her jobs, as a chef and as a dance teacher.

Yashdeep is currently is very deep crisis as his restaurant is on the verge of getting closed because of a huge unpaid loan.

Although Yashdeep wanted to share the news with Anupama and other staff members but couldn’t gather the courage to share the news.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Anupama will soon come to know about Yashdeep’s crisis and will become a big support for Yashdeep.

It will be interesting to see what Anupama plans to do for Spice N Chutney?

Anupama to participate in International Competition

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Anupama has helped Yashdeep in increasing his restaurant business.

Anupama will decide to come forward and help as Spice and Chutney has given everything to her, a job, a place to live etc.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Anupama will decide to participate in an International Chef Competition so that she can use the prize money to help Yashdeep.

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