Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on April 16, 2024 09:47 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Protective parents Anupama Vanraj teaches Pakhi a lesson with legal separation battle

Anupama: Vanraj and Anupama warn Pakhi for breaking ties seeing her stupid actions of trouble


The Star Plus show Anupama is loaded with twists and turns that the fans are absolutely loving.

As of the ongoing episodes Anupama has slapped Pakhi and brought her home after she sees her with Arush in hotel where he misbehaves with her.

Following the same Pakhi calls herself the victim but Anupama reveals her true colours as Pakhi ruined her own relation with Adhik and she doesn’t care about Ishani at all.

Thereof Anupama and Vanraj tag Pakhi as self centred who is taking money for her business.

Vanraj and Anupama warn Pakhi

After this Anupama warns Pakhi that she can cut all ties with Pakhi and she won’t see her anymore ever again if she continues doing the same.

Thereof Vanraj is angry seeing Pakhi’s immature Behaviour and how everyone at the Shah house is paying the price for the same.

There Vanraj announces that he won’t keep any link with Pakhi or no one else in Shah house will if she doesn’t get back on track.

Stay tuned and let’s see what happens next in Anupama along with latest gossips WU.

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