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Published By: LGW Desk on May 14, 2024 09:27 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Media Meeting for Anupama Rips the bandage from failed marriages and struggles

Anupama: Anupama’s life gets discussed by the media bringing the reality check of failed marriages


The Star Plus most iconic and most popular show Anupama has soul focus on bringing freshly baked twists and turns that the die heart fans love to watch.

The story is now revolving around Anupama (Rupali Ganguli) as she has turned the celebrity chef.

Thereof Anupama has joined Yashdeep in his restaurant as co owner and business partners.

Following the same the media comes to show how Anupama has achieved this milestone.

But as it seems the media has done their research on Anupama as they know about her divorces.

Thereof The media questions Anupama how her family and first husband treated her.

Anupama talks work not personal

But as it seems Anupama won’t let her personal life turn the crisp news for the media.

There Anupama asks the team of media to focus on her achievements and how she gained so much in the short time rather than talking about what  happened in her past.

Let’s see what happens next in the very popular and beloved show Anupama in the upcoming episodes.

Stay tuned with latest gossips WU for more updates coming around on Anupama.

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