Latest Gossip WU

Published By: LGW Desk on May 14, 2024 11:00 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Latest Spoiler! Anupama shuts reporters amid celebration of success

Anupama: Latest Spoiler! Anupama shuts reporters amid celebration of success


In the recent episodes of Anupama, we are witnessing that Anupama and Anuj’s life has changed drastically changed after they met in America after a huge gap of five years.

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Anupama has succeeded in paying of the loan on Spice N Chutney.

Finally Spice N Chutney is reopened and Anupama has started a new chapter in her life as a businesswoman.

Anupama’s win has changed not only her life but also the life of people around her specially Yashdeep and his restaurant staff.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that media will also reach at the venue of restaurant opening to cover the story of Anupama’s success.

It will be interesting to see how Anupama will handle the success?

Vanraj gets insecure

In the previous episodes we have seen that how Anupama has offered the job of waiter to Toshu and he will inform Vanraj about it.

Vanraj and Pakhi will once again got the chance to target Anupama but couldn’t do anything as Anupama is not going to listen them.

In the upcoming episodes we will see that Vanraj will get insecure and jealous to see the media attention Anupama is getting.

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