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Published By: LGW Desk on May 19, 2024 09:54 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Morning Headlines from housemaker to celebrity and soon downfall for Anupama

Anupama: Anupama receives the limelight for being celebrity from housewife soon gets down


In the upcoming episodes of the most popular and widely watched show Anupama the die heart fans will see many twists and turns coming.

As of the ongoing episodes the story is revolving around Anupama climbing the ladders of success after facing many downfalls in life.

With this Anupama gets published on the headlines of the newspaper as people come to meet her and ask her about her journey.

As now Anupama is working as co partner with Yashdeep at Spice and Chutney Toshu is jealous.

Thereof Anupama has turned business woman where Toshu has joined her as waiter.

But as it seems Toshu can never change as he hates Anupama for the success.

Toshu brings Anupama down

Soon Toshu decides to make Anupama fall prey for his tricks as he gets the success next.

Following the same Toshu is seems having an idea to bring Anupama down the ladder.

What Toshu has planned next in the show to bring Anupama down and blame her wrongfully??

Stay tuned and keep watching Anupama along with latest gossips Wu for more updates coming.

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